Green Search

Our goal is to provide the best family friendly green search engine and portal on the internet. The "earthie" project was first conceived in late 2000 and has been growing ever since. It's about finding not only environmental information but connecting green business to business or green B2B. The founder of Earthies was also one of the founding "online business veterens" way back in the 1990's. You can read more about him here

Green Directory

The Earthie green directory and green pages will be online shorly. Stay tuned.

How to Green Search?

All search results are already focused on environmentally friendly websites. The simpler you search the better. You are interested in "green cars". Just type "cars" into the Earthie search box and "Voila"...your search results are are already focused on "green cars". How about "green vancouver". Just type "Vancouver" into the search and presto!

Our Philosophy

We believe focused green content will let all you "Earthies" quickly find environmentally friendly business, products, services, information, news, technologies, organics, recycling, renewable energy and more. Environmental information is important but even more important is viable, profitable environemntally sustainable businesses. We believe that business can and should be profitable while adhering to sustainable philosophies. Our job is to help YOU do business the right way and make money doing it. We believe, the promotion and retrieval of information which leads to sustainable living and all things Earthie friendly. We are all Earthies.

Earthie Test

Today's Earthie Snippets
